Mixed reality with HoloLens
Mixed reality brings people, places, and objects from your physical and digital worlds together. This blended environment becomes your canvas, where you can create and enjoy a wide range of experiences. Drag your mouse cursor over the image below to explore the galaxy.
Windows Mixed Reality combines the thrill of virtual reality with the power to engage with and personalize your surroundings. Windows 10 will enable this experience for a variety of headsets, from fully self-contained holographic computers like HoloLens to the most innovative and affordable headsets.
Interacting with holograms in mixed reality enables you to visualize and work with your digital content as part of your real world. Realize mixed reality’s promise with Microsoft HoloLens.
Holograms are responsive to you and the world around you. Microsoft HoloLens enables you to interact with content and information in the most natural ways possible.
Built-in sensors let you use your gaze to move the cursor so you can select holograms. Turn your head and the cursor will follow.
Use simple gestures to open apps, select and size items, and drag and drop holograms in your world.
Use voice commands to navigate, select, open, command, and control your apps. Speak directly to Cortana, who can help you complete tasks.
Transform the ways you communicate, create, collaborate, and explore. Your ideas are closer to becoming real when you can create and work with holograms in relation to the world around you.
When you collaborate, it’s easier to show than to tell. Your Skype contacts can overlay sketches and holograms on physical objects in your view.
Shape holograms to fine?tune a design, share ideas, and understand your creations in relation to the real world.
Go beyond what a 2D render can do by working in 3D. Make smarter decisions and prototype faster when you can inspect every vantage point.
See holograms from your colleague’s perspective even if she’s on the other side of the world. Explore ideas in the real world, inside and out.